martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Capitalismo en una lección.

Podcast tutorial sobre cómo funciona el capitalismo (entendido como orden de propiedad privada y libre mercado): 

Fuente: Instituto Mises Hispano:

El material al que hace referencia (por ahora todavía en inglés):
  1. “Robinson Crusoe” Economics | Robert P. Murphy
  2. The Division of Labor and Society | Jörg Guido Hülsmann
    Direct Exchange and Barter Prices | Robert P. Murphy
  3. Division Of Labor and Money | Hans-Hermann Hoppe
    Gold and the Periodic Table of the Elements | Sanat Kumar
  4. Labor Market Superstitions | Thomas J. DiLorenzo
    Wage Slavery | Stargazer5781
  5. Capital and Interest | Hans-Hermann Hoppe
    Business Cycle Theory | Jörg Guido Hülsmann
  6. The Stock Market | Robert P. Murphy
  7. Risk and Insurance: From Healthcare to Welfare | Hans-Hermann Hoppe
  8. Consumer Product Regulation | Timothy D. Terrell
  9. How Could A Voluntary Society Function? | Nielsio
    How To Defend Against Governments | Hans-Hermann Hoppe
  10. Free Market Environmentalism | Walter Block
    Conservation and Property Rights | Murray N. Rothbard
  11. A) Calculation and Socialism | Joseph T. Salerno
    B) Democracy: The God That Failed | Hans-Hermann Hoppe
    C) Against Owning Information | Nielsio
    How Intellectual Property Hampers Capitalism | Stephan Kinsella
    D) Voluntaryist thinkers | Nielsio
  12. A) In Defense of “Sweatshops” | Benjamin Powell
    B) Monopoly and Competition | Murray N. Rothbard

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